Diseases and Conditions

Stomach cancer

Coping and support

A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and frightening. Once you start to adjust after the initial shock of your diagnosis, you may find that it helps to stay focused on tasks that help you cope. For example, try to:

  • Learn enough to make decisions about your care. Ask your doctor to write down the details of your cancer — the type, the stage and your treatment options. Use those details to find more information about stomach cancer and the benefits and risks of each treatment option.
  • Connect with other cancer survivors. Ask your doctor about support groups in your area. Or go online and connect with cancer survivors on message boards, such as those run by the American Cancer Society.
  • Stay active. Being diagnosed with cancer doesn't mean you have to stop doing the things you enjoy or normally do. For the most part, if you feel well enough to do something, go ahead and do it.